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Driving Lessons

If you are anything like me you will have put learning to drive off until you absolutely had too.

There where a number of things which prevented me from getting behind the wheel, and, unlike most the cost wasn't the biggest thing. No, my biggest worry about driving was my personal disbelief that I, only of eight stone and five feet one inch, could possibly, ever, make something as big as a car move.

Every time my mind climbed over the wall that stopped me from thinking I could move the car I was assaulted by fears of endless stalling, the possibility of turning the car directly into a ditch, veering into a car that was overtaking for I failed to remember where the break was, and the ultimate worry that I would turn an inicent by-stander into a pancake.

My first ever driving lesson was just before last Christmas. My mother arranged it, refusing to accept my refusals to do it. Thankfully she did arrange it for a tutor from her area and for when I would be visiting for the holidays, so the lesson would commence on quiet winter roads in the North Highlands over the terrifying grid that is glasgow.

When the day came I spent every minute of the morning trying to memorise the position of the pedals. When the driving instructor pulled into my mother's terrifying cliff of a drive way my heart almost gave out. That small red car represented almost all of my fears since I turned 17.

My driving instructor, it has to be said, was excellent, immediately accepting of my lack of left and right knowledge. And the drive? Well it was increible. My left angle hurt so bad afterwards I couldn't put wait on it, admittedly, but I could not wait to get back into a car.

my second lesson was even better, in this one I did for the first and hopefully last time stall, but I also drove a single track road without falling of the cliff edge- an overall success in my personal opinion.

I'm exceedingly pleased my mother got me behind that wheel, and I can not wait for lesson three, this time IN glasgow.


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