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Ty's Unknown Voice Mail

Twitter user @sratyedaway ignited debate three days ago when he shared a video of a voice mail he received that left a Nato Alphabet message with co-ordinates. 

The Twitter user, known as Ty, jokes that he's; "Throwing my phone away" after translating the voice message. 
Ty looked up the co-ordinates left at the end of the voice mail finding them to indicate a place on the coast of Indonesia, which he stated he has no connections to.
Following this Ty shared that he has received an Indonesian text message which translated to; "End the post you just shared about the recording on your phone."
With this the internet has taken to Ty's story with vigour, with theories coming on all sides. The story has to date been shared widely on Twiter and Facebook, covered by YouTube channels and some online media groups. 
With that let's get into some of the immediate theories that have been left on the Twitter feed. 
Twitter user @jvstinfox, known as Uzumakie posted; "This is what it says, pay close attention that there's an "S" right before danger, meaning that's the recording is on a continuous loop, it's not a message set to play once it goes to voicemail." with a photograph of his own translation of the voicemail which is the same as Ty's. 
Uzumakie went on to post; "Also... pointed out that the co-ordinates given are very close to where the Malaysian aireplane went down, what if you're hearing the black box recording????!???..." Kicking off the internets most popular theory about the unknown voicemail thus far.   
Uzumaki furthered his reasoning, posting; "Also and this is just to add to my theory because a black box records and audio message it also records flight information as well, which is why it gives co-ordinates." 
Uzumaki then posted; "This is where it gets a little more far out, it's an unknown number, now a unknown number isn't always a blocked number, a computer will still read it as unknown" 
Uzumaki goes on to talk about the fact that there was Solar flare activity at the time this call was received and the voice mail recorded, he posts; "So with more electromagnetic activity in the air this is why random people would be getting this call because the signal would be amplified and sent farther ranges, with the solar flares happening closer to Southern Asia/Australia this is why it's happening now." 
Many Twitter users where questioning what Uzamaki and Ty where suggesting, one user asking; "If these black box recordings match the voice mail. Are you saying that Malaysia Flight 370 encountered something nonhuman???" 
To these questions Uzumaki responded; "This is great of you guys to ask because this part is gonna get really fucking crazy, yes, they encountered something non-human, the message was saying to evacuate because 'they are not human' something/someone on that plane wasn't human." 
Ty reportedly continued to receive numerous text messages, which he presumed where likely faked following the internet attention his story was getting, in different languages and one in morse code. 
A Twitter user known as Samantha translated the Morse code text shared by Ty, posting; "This is most of the Morse code translation. 'Message received is well related to Stephen Hawking's death, you are not ready to face them.' Stephen Hawking did say something bad was going to happen to the world in 2018..." From here peoples theories went further, baseing a lot of there presumptions on the text messages Ty had warned may be fake. 
One user shared a translation of a numerical text shared by Ty, suggesting the message read; "They are taking over. 41814 (April 18th 2018)". However this translation works singularly if dating by the American system, and does not work if dateing by, for example, the system used in the UK, which would result in an impossible date. 
From here many theories pointed towards the 'rapture' and alien invasion, passing beyond immediate facts and into pure theory. 
One user shared the Malaysia Airline Flight 370 Wikipedia page, highlighting that the plane disappeared on the 8th of March 2014. What is not clear is whether this post was shared to highlight the truthful or untruthful nature of Ty's voice mail. 
Ty has received both support and hate messages on his Twitter feed in the past three days since sharing the message. With many Twitter users accusing him of faking the voice mail to gain social media fame. 
Ty insists that the voice mail is in fact real, and that he has not lied about any of the interactions he has had since receiving it. 
At this point in time the voice mail has not been analysed to confirm it's originality and experts on the Malaysian flight 370 disappearance have yet to speak about the voice mail. 
As the story grows in social media fame we can hope to see some experts come forward about the message received and its possible origin in the coming days.   


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