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Scots to be Proud of.

J.K. Rowling, born July 31, 1965, is a globally renowned author. She is best known for the Harry Potter fantasy series, the first novel of which was published in 1997, and went on to become a worldwide phenomenon including a series of movies. Through these books Rowling made children’s books a possible field for authors across the globe, completely changing the way we see the children’s novel. She donates to charities on a regular basis. Particularly towards MS groups, and during the recent Scottish referendum donated money to the Better Together campaign. In 2013 she released her latest book The Casual Vacancy.

Andy Murray, born May 25, 1987, has been Britain’s number one tennis player since February 2006, and is currently ranked number six in the world. He is a two-time Grand Slam winner, and is arguably Scotland’s best sportsman. Born in Glasgow, Murray attended Dunblane Primary School, and was present during the 1996 Dunblane School massacre. At the age of 15 Murray was asked to train with Rangers Football Club but declined choosing to focus on his tennis career instead. By 2005 he was ranked 407th in the world, and became the youngest Brit to play in the Davis Cup, turning professional in April that year.

Karen Gillan, born November 28, 1987, this former model found fame in her role as Amy Pond in the BBC science fiction series Doctor Who. And recently appeared, completely blue, in Marvel’s latest movie Guardians of the Galaxy. She won the National Television Award for Outstanding Drama Performance in 2012 for her performance in Doctor Who. In 2011 Gillan helped promote Fashion Target Breast Cancer and the opening of Squirrel Ward in Great Ormond Street Hospital. She continues to support various charities. Now living in Los Angeles, California, she still insists on being an Inverness girl.

David Tennant, born April 18, 1971, came to prominence as the Doctor in the BBC science fiction series Doctor Who. Following his painful goodbye from Doctor Who, broadcast live from the Baftas in 2010, he has continued to make appearances as the Doctor, including at the 2012 London Olympic Games to carry the Olympic torch. David Tennant has gone nowhere but up, appearing in lead roles in films, TV series and theatre, such as the acclaimed TV series Broadchurch. He is known for donating to many charities including doing work for Comic Relief, Kidscape and the Willow Foundation, in total supporting six charities and 16 causes.

Gordon Brown, born February 20, 1951, is the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. He is a British Party Labour politician, and was prime minister of the UK and Leader of the Labour Party from 2007 until 2010. He is still an active member of British politics today, and held great sway over the opinions of many in the recent Scottish Referendum. Brown attended Edinburgh University, and from 1976 to 1980 was employed as a lecturer in politics at Glasgow College of Technology. In the 1979 general election he stood for the Edinburgh South constituency, but lost to the Conservative candidate. From 1980 he worked as a journalist at Scottish Television, later working as the current affairs editor until his election to Parliament in 1983.


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