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Red Nose Day

Red nose day is fast approaching, with brilliantly entertaining shows all ready hitting our screens to raise money for the event, including the so far fantastic and hilarious Bake-Off for Red nose day, which has yet to disappoint.

As with every year the red noses are out on the streets, however unlike previous years this time there are a total of nine noses to collect, including a possible golden prize winning nose, and also unlike last year and to some people great irritation the noses are bagged, making it a complete gamble as to which one you'll get and making it even harder to collect them all.

As of last year the Red Nose day group have released a selection for other exciting red nose day products, including, my personal favorite, a red nose day teapot!

However do not get too excited, although most of this years Red Nose day products are available for purchase from the red nose website, others have been distributed to particular stores and are only available from there. For example the wonderful red nose teapot is only available from  Robert Dyas hardware store, a shop you will find around and in London but not in Scotland.  Discovering this fact was extremely depressing for me, however I was cheered to find that Robert Dyas does have an online store from where you may buy the very cute teapot.

The awesome pens which have been released are only available in charity store Ryman and Robert Dyas hardware, at least there's a few Rymans in Scotland's city's but a complete shame for people living in more rural  areas.

The noses, amazing pin badges, which this year come in two different styles and are both very fashionable and cute, and incredibly adorable trolley red nose token key ring are all available for order online, as are some of the clothes, bake-off red nose day merchandise, and books. The cloths are also available in Primark and TKmax stores.

However looking at the Red Nose day website alone one can not see where you can personally buy the red noses, pin badges, trolley tokens or other online only merchandise in high street stores. Again making it difficult to buy any of the merchandise if you live in a rural area but work every day of the week, as shopping online means having someone home to collect the post when it comes through, and if you have children they will want those red noses as soon as possible, they won't want to have to walk all the way to the post office collection office to exchange a red card for a red nose.

In all of this I am starting to wonder how Red nose day plans to make enough money to trump last year. It's all very awkward of where one can buy and where one can't buy products to support the charity event. Why the have restricted products to certain stores (especially ones which are not found across Britain) is beyond me, for sure if Asda where selling red nose day tea pots I would be buying one for me, one for my brother and mother and one for my friends, but ordering tea pots and praying they won't shatter in the post from London to Glasgow? That I am not so keen on.

As for the red noses they have defiantly hit a money maker, nine red noses to collect and if you are anything like me, or have excitable children, then you will want to collect them all. The bags ensuring that collecting them all is a complete gamble will probably result in me owning at least 40
red noses by the end of this years Red nose day run, or it could leave me very frustrated after buying 10 red noses only to find they are all the same nose.

Questions are being drawn though about the effort and consideration that is being put into this red nose day campaign, aside from the front windows of primark and all BBC channels I have seen very little red nose propaganda this year, possibly because they have restricted it all to set stores? Or maybe because this year they want people to buy through the web site over high-street chains? In which case why restrict products to certain stores only?

Either way i am looking forward to this years red nose day event and will do my best to hunt down all red nose day merchandise before the day.

Remember to donate, a red nose is just £1 and will actually help someone, also its lots of fun and will look great.


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