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Improving Support In The Workplace

Minister for Mental Health, Maureen Watt, has launched a new training resource to help meet the needs of people affected by trauma and abuse.

The National Knowledge and Skills framework for trauma is designed to support people working in the public and third sectors in Scotland to support those affected by trauma, their families, carers and supporters.

Ms Watt, said; "Trauma is a public health issue and how we deal with it and respond to those affected is everyone's business. We all have a part to plat. Therefore I'm delighted to highlight out commitment to improving outcomes for people affected by trauma.

"Scotland is at the forefront of this work internationally. This is an ambitious and transformative approach, which is about building capability and capacity across all sectors to recognize and respond better to the needs of people affected by trauma and abuse."

The training framework will be delivered by NHS Education for Scotland at the request of the Scottish Government's Survivor Support Team.

 Chief Executive of NHS Education for Scotland, Caroline Lamb, said; "Everyone has a role to play in improving outcomes for those affected by trauma and abuse. NES are delighted to have led on this work which is relevant to all staff.

"Trauma has ramifications beyond health, across education and justice for instance. We have an opportunity to continue Scotland's lead in creating unique solutions to the range of individual challenges faced by people affected by trauma.

"The Framework will help staff realise how common traumatic events are and their potential lifelong effects, help them encourage natural resilience among individuals and create integrated pathways to specialist services for those with complex or long-term needs."


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